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来源:整理 时间:2023-01-10 19:49:19 编辑:理财网 手机版


不明白啊 = =!


2,理财是什么 英文怎么讲

理财(Financing)指的是对财务(财产和债务)进行管理,以实现财务的保值、增值为目的。理财分为公司理财、机构理财、个人理财和家庭理财等。理财和学校财务管理专业相似;理财英文:Financial management或Financing;“海外贸易”:OVERSEAS TRADE;理财的范围很广,理财是理一生的财,也就是个人一生的现金流量与风险管理。包含以下涵义:理财是理一生的财,不仅仅是解决燃眉之急的金钱问题而已。理财是现金流量管理,每一个人一出生就需要用钱(现金流出),也需要赚钱来产生现金流入。因此不管是否有钱,每一个人都需要理财。3. 理财也涵盖了风险管理。因为未来的更多流量具有不确定性,包括人身风险、财产风险与市场风险,都会影响到现金流入(收入中断风险)或现金流出(费用递增风险)。扩展资料:理财方法到银行、证券公司理财需开立相应理财账户。一般而言,通过银行开通的理财账户可以办理储蓄类产品和银行理财产品以及基金类产品,大型银行还可通过银行系统购买。由于银行网点分布较广,通过银行渠道开立的投资理财账户可到银行柜台办理。证券公司开立的理财账户可用于股票(包括A股、B股、H股等)、债券(包括国债、企业债、公司债等)、期货(包括金融期货如股指期货、外汇期货等,商品期货如黄金期货、农产品期货等)等一系列的投资理财工具的投资。证券账户的开立可到各证券公司营业部办理,需要在交易日内办理。投资公司的手续比较方便,一般只需要提供自己的身份证和银行卡复印件。投资公司也会为客户定制专属理财计划。参考资料:百度百科. 理财

理财是什么 英文怎么讲


to manage money; to manage finances



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5,有关公司财务管理公司理财英文句子求翻译 The yield on the



Advise Tommy on whether he should buy the new portfolio using his own money or by borrowing the funds. Tommy wants to know what the advantages and disadvantages of each method is, and in particular the way in which margin lending works. as he has never used this form of borrowing before.Assuming Tommy does decide to use a margin lending to fund his portfolio, he is uncertain as to which bank he should borrow the money from.Prepare a report for Tommy that explains how his new portfolio can be constructed using funds from each of the following 4(four)institutions, and what the requirements of each of the institutions in relation to margin lending关于投资理财分析的


3-year-old can identify coins and banknotes; 4 years to realize that we can not buy the goods of light, we must make a choice at the time of purchase; 5-year-old equivalent of that coin, for example: a pay phone can play 25 cents and so on. Know how money is come; 6-year-old to change; 7-year-old able to read price tags; 8-year-old knows he can make money by doing extra work, learn to put money into a savings account; 9 years old can be a simple plan to develop the cost of the week , compare prices while shopping to know; 10-year-old know how to save a little money each week to use with lot of money; 11 years of age found that TV ads from the facts related to money; 12 years to develop and implement a two-week expenses plan, know how to use the banking business in the correct terminology.
对于译文需要在外国杂志上发表的中译英论文翻译项目和其他比较重要的中译外翻译项目,比如原文是政府公文、出版印刷文件、广告内容、网站内容、设备使用说明和企业介绍等重要的或长久性使用的资料,华译网翻译一般建议客户委托华译网翻译进行外籍校对,确保译文更地道更符合外文表达习惯,确保客户发布或出版的内容不会有任何遗憾。  为了使得中译外翻译项目既经济又准确,华译网翻译一般采取以下质量控制措施:  1、初稿译员选择:每个译员都有自己擅长的领域,对于中译外项目华译网翻译一般选择擅长中译外且在项目涉及专业领域有一定造诣的译员承担。确保译文初稿与原文本意一致。  2、选择外籍译员:华译网翻译招聘的外籍译员不仅擅长其自身母语的语言表达和准确应用,而且精通或基本掌握中文,中文是其第一外语或第二外语。  3、原译者再审查:为了避免外籍译员在校对和润色过程中发生偏差,华译网翻译还会请初稿译员对外籍译员的校对译文进行再次核对,避免外籍译员因文化差异或理解中文不够等原因而发生矫枉过正的错误。  外籍英文校对价格费用一般是每千英文单词180元到200元,具体价格根据文件单词数量和文件内容专业性强度而有所区别。  学术著作与论文翻译和英语母语外籍校对是本公司的核心业务之一。

8,英语口语考试 话题是Personal Finance个人理财

21st century is the century of technology. Nowadays, technology is everywhere around us. The development of technology has a significant affact toward the society. Several technologies that we usually use are the internet, computer, and cellphone. These new technologies make our life much easier and better. First, the development of computer changes our life. Decades ago, people needed to do lots of complex calculation on hand because they did not have computer, and more obvious, they did not have the software for calculation. As the result of that, people spent hours on the equations that a computer can solve in just a minute. Since the development of computer, people are able to use some kind of software to compute lots of complex functions and mathematical calculation. Computer becomes the most helpful equipment for the sciencists because they can use their time more efficiently. Also, internet is another useful tool for us today. The development of internet brings a great impact toward the society. Instead of going to library and fliping all the books to figure out some information, we can just simply use a mouse and click on the website to do research. The internet leads us to a place where we can find unlimited information and resources. It makes our life much easier and better. The last technology is cellphone. Nowadays, many people have a cellphone. But it just appears on the market for about 10 years. It is very convenience to the users because we can talk to anyone we want with a phone as small as a wallet. Also, we can communicate with others by making a phone call instead of sending letters. It is very fast and useful way to communicate. In conclusion, I believe the development of technology brings significant impact to our life. It is very helpful to us and I believe technology will keep improving in future. I HOPE IT HELPS!
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